
How I’ve felt reading every piece of Trump news this last week.

Having enough free time and access to technology to post dumb questions in a blog comments section.

Wait until the prices for everything the American consumer buys now doubles or more. Didn’t know all that shit you own and bought was Chinese did ya Cletus? Oh, you think we can just buy American made versions? Not only probably isn’t there an American version, but if there is now or ever will be, it will be even more

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

Looks to me like a case of asshole (swerving into them) on asshole (speeding recklessly, passing in a no passing zone, no safety clothing) crime.

One word: Lost

Presuming we aren’t all engaging with the most ambitiously trollish waste of popular culture’s time on record...

  • I pick this one: “She visits her grandmother’s house for the first time when she’s old enough to pay for her own seat, iPad, and Beats by Dre headphones.” Keep your kid out of my underseat space. It’s mine. I bought it. Your kid is your problem. If she’s not old enough to fly, then she’s not old enough to fly.

Why? As far as I can remember the anime followed the manga pretty closely.

No other species has fully-formed sentience, either, which isn't a terribly good excuse to stop using our brains to get on their level. I fart on this article.

Did not read article but headline graphic looks like grabbing boobs so I'll assume that's what I'm supposed to do.

"(One time, a guy tried to make me show him pictures of my [imaginary] boyfriend on my phone to prove my [imaginary] boyfriend was real. That is crazy and not a thing you should do.)"