
How I’ve felt reading every piece of Trump news this last week.

Science. Maybe a nice drought and some famine will help middle America realize its not a conspiracy against them.

1930s America is the America Trump is trying to bring back, so this is all part of MAGA!

Finally, a Democrat with a fucking set of balls.

“...To be fair to Bush though, he was not anti-science. Bush opposed stem cell research on ethical grounds...”

Yeah no. Believing every blastocyst has a magical plan from his friend in the sky is anti-Science.

Having enough free time and access to technology to post dumb questions in a blog comments section.

Wait until the prices for everything the American consumer buys now doubles or more. Didn’t know all that shit you own and bought was Chinese did ya Cletus? Oh, you think we can just buy American made versions? Not only probably isn’t there an American version, but if there is now or ever will be, it will be even more

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

I will cop to the fact that the whole registration system is ludicrous.

It’s not just China. People take offense at everything. Any word, picture, or gesture is offensive to someone. It’s gotten to the point where you cannot have a conversation about anything, no matter how mundane, without someone needing to run to their safe space because they are triggered.

You’ve got that ack basswards— there is no mention of the younger 6S in the article.

Find the nearest person and start kicking now, because we are all collectively geoengineering the climate as we speak.

I am deeply regretting trying to make a joke today.

In the context of the article, a calorie is different than what we all learned in high school physics. The calories listed on food are actually kilocalories. So a single food calorie is the amount of energy required to heat a kilogram of water 1deg C. It’s done to make the math easier. Who wants to calculate a

Seriously, this list has movies that were funny decades ago.

Unpopular opinion time:

Looks to me like a case of asshole (swerving into them) on asshole (speeding recklessly, passing in a no passing zone, no safety clothing) crime.