
They kinda have a point. I’d also like to read something about how Bernie is going to pass super liberal legislation even if we DO take the Senate, already a long shot. Cause I’m guessing there’s gonna need to be some negotiating. Would be a more useful article than yet another one about Obama.

Its true, if Russia wanted us to tear ourselves apart, they would make sure dems won, and won by an UNREASONABLE amount. It would 100% look fake so no one could just accept the result. Of course if Russia just wants the US to stay out it's way while they quietly build power, they would keep Trump around. I'm guessing

What the fuck are you talking about dude

You know, you guys have been saying “the economy is going to collapse any day now!” for the last two years. I mean, I'm ready, let's go, but uhhhhhhh you sure you know what you're talking about?

Didn’t McCain want to bring back the draft at one point? Dude’s a little military crazy. Besides, I thought our CURRENT president wanted to take us out of foreign affairs, be friendly with Russia, and cut spending?

Because Russia is trying to take over Europe? This doesn’t seem very difficult. If we could be friendly with Russia, that’s great - but so far they just take it as weakness, which is why they wanted Trump elected. They don’t think he’ll stop them. And he probably won’t.

My Rav4 is nearly 20 years old - a 1999. I’ll never get why a car website can’t appreciate how great THAT is, even if it doesn’t go vroom vroom.

So I’m guessing Dems have decided it’s better to COMPLETELY destroy healthcare and put the blame on republicans. To be honest, I kinda agree. America voted for Obamacare to be gone, well maybe this country needs to see what that really means. Maybe next election people will actually think about what they’re voting for.

Jetblue - not that bad. Being a senator - not that great.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re fishing for a tax break now. Carrier got one, now every company knows they can basically blackmail Trump into paying them by saying they’re going to Mexico. He thinks he’s a genius but he’s painting himself into a corner.

9 hours? Doesn’t that screenshot say 58 hours? What am I missing here?

Most of these people are idiots who don’t understand their own arguments. Basically everything negative they have to say about Clinton can be said about Trump. It doesn’t logically hold up. They only choose to apply the negative to Clinton. The real reason for their vote is NOT logical, and there’s no justifying it.

If only I wasn’t so darn poor I’d move back to NorCal in a second. I had a great couple years there.

If you happen to have a billion dollars, you might be able to!

Passing the buck was supposed to be Trump’s plan. You know eventually someone down the line has to actually know what they’re doing right?

Not really convinced there’s as big of a difference between a lifted wagon and a horrible-no-good-crossover as you think but it seems like a nice vehicle either way.

Maybe you should look up the problems China has with asthma (and people dying from it) before you assume pollution is some CRAAAAZY conspiracy.

Except Hamilton isn’t the one asking for money. The CEO makes 10000 times the homeless man in your example, he doesn’t have to give up his lifestyle to change that man’s life.

Clinton doesn’t give enough of a damn to do this. If she wasn’t handed the presidency on a silver platter, she’s not going to fight for it. I don’t know if it’s pride or what. But she abandoned us so fast after results came in that it was head spinning.