
Sorry, but anyone can bully anyone else. It’s the bullying itself (and the victim’s response to it) that gives the bully power. Not some intrinsic built-in hierarchy.

Oh man, I don’t want him to have a small flashback role in this movie. I want him front and center! Him being the villain would be pretty cool though.

Love it. Hopefully this is their main dress for the movie, not the “these are training uniforms, the REAL combat suits are all black leather.”

This has just reminded me how bad that movie was. Siiiiiigh.

I guarantee if Marvel had picked an asian actor we’d have a ton of articles about how they’re preying on stereotypes of the mystical far east. It was a lose-lose situation for them no matter what. Too bad they don’t get any credit for hiring a women for a traditionally male role.

Sansa or Daenerys, wow that’s a tough choice to make. Can we have...anyone else?

Weird, it’s almost like this isn’t that big a deal.

After the Khan debacle, I don’t give a damn about anything coming out of this dick’s mouth.

This would be wildly unethical. But then again, would it also be unethical to not do everything you could to prevent Hitler II? It’s an interesting idea, but realistically, if Trump were to win then it’s the will of the people and everything is fucked way more than Facebook can fix. But it’s a super interesting idea

I mean, sure, yes, the original author may have been trying to make some point. But retellings of the story do not need to make that same point and shouldn’t be held accountable for previous works. You could just as easily paint it as the man being ostracized for being different from the others and now it’s an

Here’s to hoping this guy is put to trial somewhere other than the court of public opinion.

Based on Age of Ultron, I fully expect this movie to be a shitshow. Maybe Civil War will convince me otherwise, but I’m pretty unimpressed with how Marvel has handled anything beyond the first movie in a series.

I don’t get it. I’m pretty sure it’s pretty easy to get a sample of someone’s dna already.

2019?! Am I supposed to watch it in my robot space car?

Sure, it’s tiny for ONE CAR. Even one company. But we have limits specifically for everyone and if this wasn’t heavily punished then everyone would be ignoring regulations. And when you consider the consequences...well, I don’t think it’s being blown out of proportion.

The problem as I understand it is that the gaming industry has a serious image problem with women. Microsoft claims they’re trying to fix that. But hiring women to be oggled at your event does not make other women feel welcome. It makes women feel like they’re still objects to be oggled. So while there’s nothing

Consider yourself lucky - the upgrade bricked my motherboard and now my windows license isn't activated on the replacement. How does that even happennnnnn

You know what? Considering how hilariously little most Americans know about even modern day England, imma let this slide.

Remember in Ultron when Tony wanted to fight a killer robot he made with ANOTHER killer robot he made? And Cap was like “Nah bro, not cool” and Iron Man was all “Bro, I know what I’m doing”? Doesn’t it seem odd that they have now switched positions on who needs limitations?

I like to think Chewie was actually snubbing Leia. I mean, she’s the one who egged Han on into trying to save their son, but she made no effort to try herself. Not to mention the whole skywalker blood is what got Kylo to turn bad in the first place. Really she’s been a lot of trouble.