
I think it’s the “things will always balance out” that you’re going to get a lot of resistance on.

Well I think that increased prices are still a pretty big thing to worry about? So this still seems like a big issue to me.

This definitely has that “oh, they’re rebooting that now?” feel. But the ladies feel like a natural fit, so that's cool. I have no ghostbusters nostalgia so I'll probably skip it if it's not actually good.

This is dumb. I mean, there’s no reason to address this at all. In a universe where space slugs have sexy human slaves and tiny alien ladies have a thing for wookies, homosexuality is IMPLIED. There’s really no reason to shove it in your face. I mean, Dumbledore was gay and no one knew, I should expect Star Wars to

This looks like a much better batman story than the actual batman story coming in March.

I wonder what mental gymnastics people are putting themselves through to say “the government needs more power to stop this, like destroying our privacy!” but not “the government needs more power to stop this, like gun regulation!”.

Wait, so to keep a secret about a stealth plane they made up a lie about a stealth plane? Uh huh.

I think they should just reboot and then totally fuck shit up. Kill characters, destroy cities. And then just reboot again! I mean they're already doing the reboot part. Have some fun with it. it’s a normal sword?

This is sad. I kinda wish arrests like this weren’t reported without some sort of explanation. I mean, there must be SOME connection, right?

I don't see anything wrong with the calorie. Considering the foods are burned to come up with a value, that value should always be the maximum. So it's not like you're consuming extra calories in any way. Eating out? Yeah, that's an imprecise value. But the calorie is fine.

You’re making the terrible mistake of assuming that everything in the movie actually makes sense. :p I just can’t see how neither Han nor Leia would say anything, or be willing to abandon their daughter. Luke and Leia were abandoned but their mother was dead, and they STILL left them in the hands of someone who could

When they killed Jon Snow, I pretty much wrote the show off as a complete waste of my time because there was no reason to invest in anyone. So, despite the fact that it’s a pretttttty cheap storytelling trick, I’m super excited to see that he’s not gone forever.

This show is goddamn amazing in a way that almost no cartoon is. Why their storytelling and such hasn’t been readapted to live action by now is baffling.


I maintain that Casino Royale and Bat man Begins are the best of their respective franchise dark turns and I’m totally ready for the James-Bond-invisible-car-in-an-ice-palace and I’m-the-goddamn-Batman entries.

“How it’s ok to be an asshole”

Well also their emperor and right hand man and presumably a bunch of other higher-ups got blown to hell. Since a fair chunk of rule probably came about from sheer fear, it was probably pretty shaky after the spooky ones were gone.

I think running is a pretty great form of exercise (that I still hate) but I’d NEVER run that far. It’s just not good for you. There’s really no reason to for the normal person unless you’re trying to prove something, which is a terrible reason to do anything.

I feel like I clicked on a tv article and got tricked into scrolling through a football article.