
He’s not purple? COME ON.

I was super into it until you said it jiggles all over the damn place in which case I don’t know what the hell you’re so excited over. That seems like a SERIOUS PROBLEM, not just a minor nuisance.

This is a weird article. Are you saying misogyny is to blame? Cause you quite clearly listed several incidents where you agreed it wasn’t to blame. Kinda undercutting your argument. Anyway, I’m not sure what to take from here.

I did a short paper on RISUG a while back, I really can’t believe it’s taking so long to bring to market. Seemed like a real winner last I heard.

I’ll never understand how this series is so popular. I’ve watched multiple times because I just WANT to like it so bad. But it’s mostly gibberish towards the end and the main character is widely regarded as insufferable. How did this ever catch on.

Wow. If this is how they teach them to argue, a lot of ridiculous debates I’ve seen make so much more sense.

Reversible vasectomies mandated for all male children. Then they have to actively choose to reverse the procedure to have kids. Trust me, the birth rate will PLUMMET.

Calm down buddy. Pretty sure that’s still ok - unless you decide to SELL the things, like this guy did.

I feel like I’m missing the part where this happens in the Dominican Republic? Diet maybe?

I don’t think weed should be illegal since it’s no more (and probably much less) dangerous than alcohol. But I do think that not all drugs affect everyone the same and we probably shouldn’t be acting like weed is always going to be a good time for everyone involved.

I haven’t watched the series since Matt Smith left, but I like to read these reviews to keep up. This story actually sounds like it might have some neat ideas in it, but I’m still exhausted by the usual Doctor Who lack of continuity and general neglect for any consequences.
Anyway, it would be super cool if that kid

If this movie is all about Darth Vader? Shit man. That’s either a reallygross money grab or JJ truly has no original ideas. That would seriously be SO disappointing. I’m all for references and discussing heritage and family lines, that all seems in line with the mythology. But if this just ends up with Vader on screen

Look, the tide turns slowly. If they had made the results public, it would given more of a headstart to change public opinion. More people would be supportive of alternative (but more expensive) energies. Things like the Kyoto Protocol would have turned out differently.

Please. There’s always new ways to advertise. Like the stupid sponsored posts you guys have. Those can’t be ad-blocked, so the idea that smaller publications won’t have any future is dumb. On the other hand, running a business based around intrusive ads WILL eventually run you out of business, so yeah, I’m totally ok

This is going to be something dumb that probably hints at the sequel but you’d have no idea is an easter egg until you knew what the sequel was about. Come on. Ain’t no one missing any huge secrets in this super popular movie.

Unless this deal includes a butler to scrub the shit out of everything I burn, imma gonna go with non-stick.

Unless this deal includes a butler to scrub the shit out of everything I burn, imma gonna go with non-stick.

Her child is going to have a harder life due to her color. Who wouldn’t be upset about that?

The worst part of this is that there are plenty of freshmen girls who will actually sleep with these dudebros. Ugh.

Wow, Cap is gonna get his ass kicked. Flying guy? Random blond? Arrow man? Just seems unfair.

I hate that this is played off as “finally, no more oil!” This would be SO MUCH MORE than that if we ever get if working. We’re talking limitless energy! Besides, we’ll end up using a lot more batteries that are still environmentally difficult to dispose of, so you’re really missing the point.