
This seems weird. Why would supplements not work the same way as the food? Anyway, since apparently NO ONE knows what the deal is, not gonna worry about it.

Didn’t...Marvel...literally just do that?

This looks silly, maybe dumb fun to rent- Wait, was that Moriarty? Oh, let me clear my schedule then.

Wow. Those aliens are almost as bad at creating peace as we are.

I’m a fairly liberal person, but I am totally on board with razing the entire region to the ground to stop this sort of thing from happening. This is disgusting.

I've got a bad feeling about this...

Oh my gosh Mads Mikkelson? Ok, I'm in.

Required gift, COME ON. But also, if you’re not going to get a gift, don’t invite a +1. Guests are expensive! Let’s all be financially responsible here.

Well he certainly has no shot as long as people keep saying he’s the best option but it’ll never happen.

This guy seems pretty alright in my book. So will he just not be a nominee, not be elected, or just be stonewalled by party politics once in office?

Oh, really? You want to tempt the fates by surrounding yourself with a bunch of sweaty men in a tight space for 8 hours a day? Just so you don’t need a sweater? IS IT WORTH IT?

You know, I’ve seen the drones they sell people. It’s really pretty damn scary that their aircraft is so damn fragile it can’t handle one of those things.

I don’t quite understand this post. I thought it was going to complain about his privilege at being attractive but somehow it turned into privilege of being a man? Are you seriously suggesting it’s harder for women to get the attention of men than the other way around?

Can I tell Gawker how I feel? Which is, tired of hearing about Reddit.

Wait, am I supposed to be on Reddit’s side here? Haha, nope.

Anyone who thinks this wasn’t one of the greatest E3s in years has lost their goddamn mind. And don’t give me any of that bs about “nothing coming soon”. E3 is about HYPE. And you can’t deny there was a ton of that. Fallout 4, FFVII, Last Guardian, Shenmue, Halo, Horizon, Dark Souls...come on. Come oooooon.

I kinda want every single one of these moments in glorious fully rendered cutscene glory. I mean, Metal Gear has pulled off some pretty dumb shit.

Wait, so it’s warm in the trench, but then too cold for them to swim to the warm surface again? What? THIS DOES NOT SOUND SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE.

“Anyway, if the series abides by any traditional laws of narrative and plot arc...”

Emotions are, by definition, not logical. So intelligence has nothing to do with it, unfortunately.