
This is dumb. Gordon’s a good cop, but he’s not BATMAN and I think if any normal, not-so-young former smoker cop was running around doing what Batman does, they’d have a heart attack before the end of the first night.

This whole “kids will be kids” thing is bs. Just because all children are terrible doesn’t make it ok. I personally don’t think an entire flight of people should be miserable because of your kid, but here’s what’s actually gonna happen: you’re gonna do whatever the hell you want, and I’m gonna complain about. That’s

He fucked with Disney, that’s where he screwed up.
I hope his life is ruined. Really. He deserves it.

It was definitely....excessive, the way the scene lingers. But I think it did serve a purpose in that it showed Sansa what a monster this guy is, which she knew from what had happened to her family but not from experience. And, depending on how things play out, could be a good character building point to show that

Invisible car reference too.

Removable plates >>> all else

Removable plates >>> all else

Well that’s totally normal.

What’s that? It’s inconvenient to have kids? No shit Sherlock.

I was very excited when I started reading this. But it's just more overly ambitious nonsense. Immortals? Conquering space? We have sooooo many problems we need to solve before any human progress can be made like that and until THOSE issues are addressed, I don't see this movement catching on.

That’s kinda like saying that if you tell one person a secret, everyone is entitled to hear it.

I truly don’t get how this is an issue, the movie stuff I mean. Marketing wise, I kinda think DISNEY has enough market research to know where to invest in products, but whatever. But the movie? I watched the movie, failed to understand this weird desire to have children, and moved on. Whatever, not a big deal. I

This is the worst police state. All the privacy violations, none of the efficient crime prevention! Sigh.

Super, why can’t we just shoot up with some of this retinoic acid and call it male birth control?

I think my biggest problem with this movie is how they actively tried to make it more comic booky. Hey guess what? Comic books SUCK. Even their biggest fans constantly complain about comic books. So no, you don’t need to cram in an obscure robot man powered by a space rock. No, you don’t need to constantly hint at

So boxing fans are not satisfied unless there’s brain damage. Good to know no one is hiding their bloodlust here.

It is the stuff of dreams. Mostly because it’s not real. :p It is a shame that there’s no way anyone flying through space will ever get a view like that though.

They brought their past selves into the future. I think I can let the “secretly gay character” slide on the strange scale.

Interesting choice by Jezebel, who I seem to remember being ENRAGED by the celeb nude leaks that happened, to be picking apart this woman’s private emails to figure out what she does to her body.

“You opened a door you don’t know how to close blah blah doom is coming”

I love the people railing against this movie. Guys, there’s a Paul Blart 2. We lost the war.