Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

Just for the record, Justin edited the article after my post, to remove any mention of a V-8 Legend. No mention of the edit is noted either, which is kind of a dick move.

Can someone please show me a pic of a RWD, V-8 powered Acura Legend or RL? By my reckoning, there has never been such an animal. All Legends and RL’s have been FWD and V-6 powered. The 2nd gen Legend looked RWD and had a longitudinal V-6, but no V-8.

I live in NW Ohio, and travel that  particular stretch of I-75 several times a week. There is one portion just north of the Ohio line that was recently repaved. However, anything north of that, is pretty horrible. Huge areas where there are major cracks and fissures in the concrete, sunken areas of pavement debris

I don’t necessarily “commute” to work, but I do drive a good deal doing appraisal work. This would work nicely for those times I drive less than 50 miles to a home, although that is pretty rare. My drive to my office is less than 10 miles though, so that would be well within the electric range.

Hell, I’m trying to find a US built, flat four, FWD rear engine roadster built in 1968. Yeah, I got nothing.

This is bullshit. The 2020 Buick Encore, which is only slightly smaller, weighs in at 3,200 lbs. This, and the Buick Encore GX, which is a totally separate model than the regular Encore, can’t be 700 lbs heavier, unless it’s made of lead or something. I think someone is mixing up curb weight and total gross vehicle

Just an FYI, but all chaps are ass-less. Otherwise they’d be pants. 

I own a 14 year old Ford Focus with 200,500 miles on it, my wife drives a 2002 Explorer with about 180K miles. I’ve pulled mostly bits a pieces for both cars, radio, trim, door handles, overhead consoles and the like. I’d think I’ve raided at least five cars for my Focus, maybe two or three for the Explorer. I do like

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Good, but not in a cheap, obtainable way good....

Do NOT fuck around with this thing.

Looks like it would be ideal baby storage, at least in the 1950's. Just slip the little tike in the door pocket, and off you’d go. No worse than other contraptions people were putting their kids in at the time.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. SFB was a very simple game to play.

I fixed my dishwasher last month. Found a vid from a parts supplier for my make and model. Showed exactly how to repair it. Cost me all of $60 in parts. My wife was a bit disappointed as she wanted a new washer.  Nah, I got this.  

It looks cooler. Really, that was the only real reason. I was tired of the four door sedan thing.  

Oh,ok then. 

A Voyager/Caravan was what your mom bought for the family hauler, cause it rode nice and was easy to park. My dad? My dad bought a real Van.

You’d be surprised. The office manager in the company I work for constantly says her cats are “her children”. No, they are not. They are pets.

Huffing air freshener is bad, M’kay?