Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

If you google NCC-2904, it takes you to a wikimedia page referencing the Olds Silhouette. It’s a bit obtuse, but a sly reference, I suppose.

Snap instantly. Trust me. Tried it. Failed. But, for my part, only in a parking lot.

At high speeds, ie 60+ mph, undoubtedly. However, if you autocrossed it, that thing would be very quick & nimble with several 100 pounds of weight loss.

I hate sun-roofs, as they significantly cut into headroom, which is important for us tall people. Short people can just order them if they want to, but don’t inflict them on those of us who don’t want/need them. Thanks.

A star for you, my fellow NPR listener. I don’t know what I’ll do when Diane Rehm retires. I hope her replacement is as good. I’ll miss her Friday news wrap ups, it’s where I really get most of my info.

This statement “but birds can instantly adjust the shape and size of their wings, and positions of their feathers, to adapt to almost any condition for optimal flight” is not really true. Birds have adapted for different flight patterns as surely as man has adapted planes for different tasks. An eagle has much

I am imagining the “health reasons” are his smashing his face in the steering wheel after his bright idea to cut the shoulder belts out of the car. Along with the compromised structural rigidity, that thing should be safe as houses in a crash. /s  

No, no, no. It’s more like this...

Didn’t we do this last week? Pretty sure we did.

I’m partial to this..

Hello, my name is Subaru Domingo. You killed my father, prepare to die!

Those electric Turbos though! They add enormous horsepower. I know this guy who had a tattoo done on his arm. Looked outrageous!

At 6'4", I can attest to bashing my head on low tailgates. Surprisingly, the hatch on my Focus rises well out of the way, but the one on my wifes Caravan is just high enough for me to clip my head on if I’m not careful. I liked the 1st & 2nd Gen CR-V because of its split tailgate.

The day after the election, I listened to Glen Beck on the radio, as I really wanted his take on what happened, as he was a “Never Trump” person. I do not agree with almost anything he says, but he did say a fairly profound thing on how Trump won this election. The liberal left took what Trump said literally, but did