Deal Killer - Powered by Audi


Yipee, I’d rather have a Volt. What’s with Toyota and that little, flimsy ass shift lever? I think I’d snap that off about a month into owning such a vehicle.

A very nice car, so easy NP. A friend of my parents had one of these in the late 80’s/early 1990’s, and used it as his work vehicle, as he was a piano tuner/restoration specialist. He was such a warm, funny person himself, and his 2CV was just a perfect reflection of his personality. At first I thought this might be

So, does it still have the CVT in some trim levels, or not? You state that it has a 6-speed auto, but your stats say CVT. Is it one, the other or both. The world awaits your response.

If I had to nominate one car for being the Most 90’s, it’d have to be the Pontiac Grand Am. In, of course, teal green. Ubiqutous, crappy and over wrought in design.

Real Estate Appraiser.

Yeah, my insurance company would have a fun time trying to figure out my driving habits on a typical weekday. Let’s see:

Yeah, OK, both cars are very 70’s cool and all, but to complete the package, you have to wear this when driving the King Cobra:

Status! Power! Success! Zimmer!

Uh, yep.

Easy answer is easy.

Now playing

Never fall victim to one of the classic blunders!

I’ve seen these around a few times, and wondered, if you attached some small skis to the two front wheels, and put a big knobby tire on the back, would it work on a path with a few inches of snow? Stopping may be an issue, although your feet would probably work if not going to fast.

If your going the henchman route, be sure you get to pick out your own costume. These guys let their boss make that decision, and they were the laughing stock in the henchman community for years. Although, to be honest, I’d put up with a lot in order to work for someone wearing that cat outfit. Meeeow!

Well, if you want to get really deep in the weeds, consider what would happen if Iran, or another country so equipped, dropped a nuke or two on Saudi Arabian, Kuwati or the Emerites oil fields. Not a really big loss of life, possibly, but it would certainly mess up the worlds economy for decades to come. And, oh look,

Yep. There is a big “Park & Shine” held by the UAW next to the GM Powertrain plant here in Toledo. Several hundred cars, as well as the new GM cars on display. The police are very strict on cars exiting the area, with absolutely no burnouts allowed. Big signs at the gate, cops everywhere, and yet some yahoo always has

I’ve wondered about that too. I’d be very pissed if someone, thinking I’d left an Ipad on my dash, busted my window and tried to yank the screen off of the dashboard. Now, I’ve got a busted window and an infotainment system that will not work. Thanks.