Well, since I’m getting a cat scan tomorrow for a lump in my abdomen, I'm thinking, screw that roach, I might need that year.
Well, since I’m getting a cat scan tomorrow for a lump in my abdomen, I'm thinking, screw that roach, I might need that year.
Damn, Silvia Saint! One of the hottest porn stars from the 90’s! She has quite the filmography, and was very talented in her day. Good choice!
Well, then, I guess I was lucky last weekend when I took my kids to the zoo. I was standing in line to get some ice cream, when the person at the counter served the guy in front of me two large cones of “Twist”, when he had order one chocolate & one vanilla. So the server looks up, and says “Anyone want free ice…
Uh, the last time I looked, the engineers, designers and accountants are not part of the UAW. The line guys just assemble what they are given. If the parts or design are faulty, that’s on management.
Whoo Hoo! Another south ender on Oppo! I have no idea what happened to FCAP, maybe they got bought out by all of the national chains that came into Toledo in the late 80’s/early 90’s?
I was wondering where that picture was taken myself, as I remember there being a Forest City Auto Parts shop near where I live (Toledo, OH). I gave it a quick Google search, and there was a store not 5 miles from my house. I think it closed in the late 1980’s. God, I’m so old.
OK, now you’re dating yourself. Any Sidd & Marty Croft show was a total acid trip for kids in the 70’s. HR PuffnStuff was about as weird as you could get on a TV show.
Son of a bitch. I must be a libertarian and not even know it, as my wife & I are bending over backwards trying to get current with several payments know that I’ve changed employers. Shit, here I thought I was a lefty liberal all this time.
oh, please make this happen. I’m so drunk right now, but I’m watching the only thing I consider worthwhile at the moment. And that’s Roadkill. Since Top Gear has gone away, I’ve got to have my fix of hacked engine fixes and the ability of completing a challenge when called for. Man, it’s hard to type when you’re…
I’m thinking mid-1990’s Ford Escort?
Yep. Always a great way to get through a long road trip.
Nice video. My uncle, since retired, served aboard her in the early 1980’s for several years as a Lt. Commander. He offered my dad a chance to do a Tiger Cruise with me and my brother, but, unfortunately, we couldn’t swing the air fare out to Hawaii back then. That, for a 13-14 year old boy, would have been awesome.