Sorry, I don’t understand illiterate redneck. I’ll try to brush up next time I stop at the library to pick up some of them liberal thinking books. I do apologize.
You forgot Benghazi, socialism and Jesus.
Just FYI, Scott Brown was a Senator. Elizabeth Warren handed him his ass in the last election.
Red (ish), Ferrari, with a manual transmission and pop-up head lights! With 14K miles and less than $90,000. Now that is a great GT car that I would want in my garage.
My family had a ‘72 Fury III with them as well. With a hood that long, they were way cool, perched so far away.
A great game, with very realistic dynamics. The cheat codes really made it fun as well. I remember one which let you shrink the cars down to R/C size, but still maintained the same speed. Awesome crashes.
$$$$ buys the alcohol. And the drugs. And prostitutes.
I think North Dakota ranks as #1 due to the influx of oil workers over the past several years. Lots of money, little to do and testosterone make for a bad combination for the local population.
Jesus, damn near every post on here is hyping cars that are 10 years old or newer. Lets harken back to the days when cars were small, light & nimble. Remember nimble cars, of course you don’t, most of you all weren’t born yet, but back in the 1980’s, when the music was bad and the clothes were worse, many small cars…
The Germans used hydrogen in their Zeppelins in WWI. They knew these things lit up like a Roman candle under the right circumstances. The continuation of this type of transport was just to stroke a certain persons ego.
So.... A person drives a new (ish?) car onto the beach to watch the sunset, and gets too close to the ocean and lets the tide come in around the car. OK, I can see this happening, maybe. But to then not just open the windows and crawl out of the car? What!? Why!?
It’s missing the “Ta Da!” at then end.
I hereby nominate the passenger side view mirror, with a sub-nomination to the convex mirror. You all may not remember, but side view mirrors on the passenger side weren’t standard equipment until the early 80’s on most cars, as I can recall my parents various land yachts that lacked this handy dandy little feature.…