Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

The Germans used hydrogen in their Zeppelins in WWI. They knew these things lit up like a Roman candle under the right circumstances. The continuation of this type of transport was just to stroke a certain persons ego.

I’d say filling an airship with highly explosive gas was not the smartest thing to do.

So.... A person drives a new (ish?) car onto the beach to watch the sunset, and gets too close to the ocean and lets the tide come in around the car. OK, I can see this happening, maybe. But to then not just open the windows and crawl out of the car? What!? Why!?

It’s missing the “Ta Da!” at then end.

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Hmm, I always thought there were three ways of disposing of a body. You can burn them, bury them, or dump them. Well, four really. If they are young enough, you can always eat them. With a few carrots and broccoli.

I hereby nominate the passenger side view mirror, with a sub-nomination to the convex mirror. You all may not remember, but side view mirrors on the passenger side weren’t standard equipment until the early 80’s on most cars, as I can recall my parents various land yachts that lacked this handy dandy little feature.

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I'm old enough that when I was a kid, my parents bought my sisters and me the Disney Robin Hood Album, so we could listen to the movie dialog over & over again. To this day, and can just about repeat the entire movie from memory. And don't get me started on the recent commercial which had the opening song. Damn near

I love the blonde in the background, with the little head tilt & smile. She sure is purty.

I tried watching this show, but, I just can't. It is just too violent. And this is coming from a grown, 46 year old man, whose seen plenty of violent movies & TV shows in his time. Maybe because I've got two kids in their early teens, but I've really become less tolerant of graphic violence now. One specific scene in

This type of fandom is something I've never really felt, for any type of sport. People ask me if I've watched this or that game or sporting event, and I'm like, nope, no real interest. The final four this weekend, probably won't watch it. Maybe it's because my parents were never big sports fans, so it was never a

To be fair to GM, they changed the roof rack railings too. That, in and of itself, is cause for praise. And I won’t even mention the time spent on the new rims. It would blow your mind.

Ford Ecoboost V-6 = Premium Gas. Which is pretty similar, price wise, to diesel. At least in N.W. Ohio. And I'd rather have a diesel, that typically can run for 100,000's of miles, rather than a high stressed, turbo V-6. It will be interesting to see if these Ford turbo motors last in these trucks under heavy load

My 15 year old daughter cares zero about cars. She has loved the last season of Top Gear. I actually came home from work, and she was watching the last episode, by herself. The ambulance episode kept her in stitches, it had just the right amount of NSFW humor to be just this side of uncomfortable for her. It's a damn

Damn. My son is going to be soooo pissed at this. It's the only night we let him stay up later than usual so we can watch Top Gear on BBC America. He rolls with laughter at every episode. The ambulance competition had him in stitches. The humor on TG is perfect for an 11 year old boy, just the right amount of

Don't know about you, but seeing John & Pat's boobs would have scarred me for life. But, different strokes for different folks.

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No way. It's ball bearings. It's all ball bearings now.

"News Flash; Something sucks in New York City. Rest of the world still doesn't care, continues to function normally. More news as it happens!"

Your #1 winner reminds me when my car had a really bad odor in it. I couldn't figure it out, as I like to keep my car fairly clean, as I put a lot of miles on it. During my annual spring clean out, I start vacuuming under the seats when something gets lodged in the tube. I pull it out and its one of those small,

I wouldn't think so. The major mini-van players, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota & Kia all have better vans that are more family friendly. It doesn't look like any of the Merc's seats fold into the floor for additional storage, nor does it appear to have the info-tainment systems that the other mini-vans have. If I were in

"Elegantly inserted". I'll have to remember that phrase when I go see the doctor next month for my semi-annual colonoscopy. The term "Shoved" just sends shivers down my spine.