Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

No shit, right? My wife looked at me like I'm insane when I said it was white & gold. To her, clearly black & blue. She's nuts.

It is but a scratch, I've had worse.

Giant Robot VS. Ultra-Man! The ultimate battle from my childhood in the early 1970's!

Anyone here think Torch is high?

Yeah, you're facts are incorrect. It wasn't a trillion $$'s in infrastructure spending, more like $275 billion. The remaining portion of the $785 billion in spending (not a trillion $'s) was $288 billion in tax cuts and $225 billion in extended unemployment benefits. And that $275 billion was spread out over three+

Oh, yeah. It's not uncommon for municipalities to enforce a driving ban during snow emergencies. I'm in N.W. Ohio, and last year, during our record breaking winter, we had a few days of level 3 snow emergencies, which basically means keep your ass at home unless you have to be out. Generally, if your work demands you

Mazda never gave this the support it deserved. No advertisement, and the re-design was a bit much. I preferred the prior, more simple design, rather than forcing the newer design features on the existing model. I was at the NAIAS and the Mazda display was all 3 & 6 series sedans, MX-5's and CX-3's. Only one lone Mazda

Except the Ford is that superior to the Chevy. Car & Driver just tested the Ford, Dodge, Toyota & Chevy. The Ford was a total of 80lbs lighter than the Chevy. Both have advantages over each other, but if it was my money, I'd be looking at the Dodge or Chevy over the Ford. The fuel bills alone would give me serious

This probably had a lot to do with the Avenger being so close in price, especially at the end of 2014. For those looking for a four door sedan, it would be a hard decision between a smaller Dart and the larger Avenger. For the average car buyer, larger size, stronger engine and lower price will win out of superior

This is 2015's new "Nope, Nope, Nope" gif. If anyone has the skills, please go ahead and make it so.

Scion SUV

I know. I just like that clip from Animal House. You served it up so well, I couldn't resist.

Now playing

Over? Did you say it's over? It best not be over, or my kid is going to be pissed!

Good for your "Grandpa" for owning up to his unfortunate misapplication of the gas pedal.

How about the "Dare to be Great"? Is that OK?

What, nobody carries flares in their cars anymore? I have a set just for such an emergency. Walking well off of the roadway and waving two of burning flares would surely be seen and notify drivers of a potential hazard down the roadway. I'm not saying you have to be a hero, just warn oncoming traffic so they don't

I do like Jay Leno reviewing cars, as he is very knowledgeable and really loves cars. Is his show still on CNBC? I caught one or two shows, then it just disappeared. Any word on this show, since Top Gear is so few & far between.

Well, the Ohio Legislature recently passed an law that basically makes it impossible for city governments to keep any type of red/speed camera. The new law would require a police officer to witness any violation and then write a ticket, making the camera redundant. Toledo has many, many red light & speed cameras