
I don’t agree with this (or the auction idea someone else stated). First, that would price out all but the wealthiest corporations. As a traveler I LIKE the fact that I see ads for local places rather than just McDonalds on every one. Second, if you charge too much, you just drive off a lot of the current businesses,

The rise of self-published books and review sites like Yelp have helped me to gain a new appreciation for professionals in the field of publishing, editing, and reviewing.

Except in cases where you’re required to by an HOA, care about your property values, or care about your relationship with your neighbors.

It is way harder than this article relates. No, not the mechanics of it, getting it done but rather being good at it and not merely being one of millions shouting “look at me” via social media while awkwardly having every friend and relative one knows buy their book.

only she can make that assessment, wætherman.

Needless to say, this is why you don’t leave your keys in your car when pumping gas. I mean carjacking from the gas station wasn’t even on the radar when I learned to drive, but I never left the keys in and I locked the door if there was anything grabbable inside.

Interesting, I’ll definitely take a look. Thanks for the tip!

“I don’t use Facebook,” he said, his own penis in his mouth while - inexplicably - his head was placed up his own ass. “Congratulate me,” he smugly demanded.


Now playing

Preaching to the choir here but reaaaaaallllllyy sick of people trying to ruin my favorite fairy tale with their pretentious, uninformed armchair psychoanalysis.

Ariel Winter, it is weird to make a friend take a vanity picture of your butt.

Gotta bring your v game

Nobody needs to bring their A-game to fuck with a woman who puts jade up her vagina. You don’t even have to bring your B-game to do that.

Slight tangent, the “binge” watch culture that has been cultivated actually pisses me off. When Luke Cage came out, people on my timeline, even super close friends (call them family), had pretty much watched all of it by the end of the weekend. Of course they want to discuss, have feelings etc, but I have a super

Don’t pay any attention to Locomotive Jones. He’s a crazed troll and will harass anyone he thinks is new in order to un-grey him.

*eyeroll* @ the grays wanting proof of him calling her a black bitch, but if there WAS video of him calling her a black bitch they’d ignore it because they don’t know what happened before the video started and she could have provoked him.

Yeah, the secondary title on this should be “Grandpa Flies a Drone.” They are all older and if Cruise comes back, so should she.

Wonder if getting sucked into Scientology completely sucked out whatever soul he has. And that’s why every time he’s in an action movie, it’s Tom Cruise Doing Stuff and not the character he’s supposed to play. The term that comes to mind is “chewing the scenery.”

Now playing

One hopes Archer and Crew will show up to set the mood:

It’ll probably play out the same way they didn’t invite Mae Whitman back to Independence Day 2 as the president’s daughter, even though she’s still acting regularly and is a solid actor. But because she’s not “conventionally beautiful” (which is horseshit). Though that worked out better for Whitman in the long run