
...with warm wishes and kind regards,
Ramsey Bolton.

I love your brand of (not) optimism.

Marvel should get together with DC and do a special crossover with Matter-Eater Lad. Call them... Binge & Purge! Oh my god, I’m a genius! Get me Axel Alonso and Bob Harras on the phone!

Like most things when it comes to success, I find that advice from failures is usually better than advice from success. Hearing about staying thin, by someone who’s never been fat, is more annoying than useful, and I’d much rather discuss weightloss with people who have struggled with it, and dealt with issues along

They’re all just turning back into networks.

It is only going to get worse.

This is so frustrating. You need like six different services plus cable to watch everything you want to watch these days. Fuck.

You know, at least one GoT leader never came back from the bathroom, so this actually works! And many never came back from King’s Landing :-/.

What fans think they want and what they really want are two very different things., are they actually going to have the balls to kill off like half the cast?

This has to be the lamest fan theory ever. Who gives a shit about a dude that has about .001 seconds of screen time in the original trilogy. All because he has a white beard? Christ.

How many males approached turned down the job as well? Neither the Washington Post article nor your post say.

The best part of these kinds of comment sections is all the 20-something leftists who started paying attention to politics last year but still feel confident enough to lecture the rest of us.

Allow me to refer you to Ka Mai, whose reply to my comment calls Booker a fake democrat, a grandstander, and in Big Pharma’s pocket (i.e. corrupt), and who calls this particular progressive stance from Booker “a PR move, and nothing more.” All in the span of three sentences.

I’ve learned the past few years that Democrats aren’t allowed to evolve and change their stances for the better, because then they’re “pandering”.

My takeaway from this comments section:

Fashion-police takes are the dumbest takes.

Still not nearly as bad as artwork done by John Romita Jr. I swear the man only knows five poses.

The buzz that you might remember was from the trailer that was heavily edited to Queen music. But then,if you watched the trailer with the sound off, you realized that the only buzz that existed was FOR the Queen music.

Thanks for saying this. It is not as if “the Mooch” turned like this over night. He has pretty much been an asshole all his life. And a Wall Street asshole who are the worst kinds of assholes. She knew who she married. Folks here are clapping for Deidre as if she is Mother Teresa.