
...with warm wishes and kind regards,
Ramsey Bolton.

Like most things when it comes to success, I find that advice from failures is usually better than advice from success. Hearing about staying thin, by someone who’s never been fat, is more annoying than useful, and I’d much rather discuss weightloss with people who have struggled with it, and dealt with issues along

The best part of these kinds of comment sections is all the 20-something leftists who started paying attention to politics last year but still feel confident enough to lecture the rest of us.

Allow me to refer you to Ka Mai, whose reply to my comment calls Booker a fake democrat, a grandstander, and in Big Pharma’s pocket (i.e. corrupt), and who calls this particular progressive stance from Booker “a PR move, and nothing more.” All in the span of three sentences.

I’ve learned the past few years that Democrats aren’t allowed to evolve and change their stances for the better, because then they’re “pandering”.

My takeaway from this comments section:

Fashion-police takes are the dumbest takes.

Thanks for saying this. It is not as if “the Mooch” turned like this over night. He has pretty much been an asshole all his life. And a Wall Street asshole who are the worst kinds of assholes. She knew who she married. Folks here are clapping for Deidre as if she is Mother Teresa.   

A whole bunch of people here (y’all and all-y’all) are assuming that Deidre was some saint who ran a group home that also fostered abandoned animals. She wasn’t some dumb kid when they got married, she knew what he was. Which is a very good indicator as to who she is.

Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke

Hi, longtime lurker, first-time commenter here. I’ve managed to resist the urge to subject Jezebel’s readership to my inane opinions for almost 3 years now but the omission of the Red Hot Chili Peppers entire catalog cannot be abided and should be amended immediately. Otherwise a huge fan of your work. Thank you.

Well I guess you ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

*Scans list*

This is the correct answer. Think of anything you say to HR the way you would anything you say to a cop when you’ve been pulled over.

Yes, give 2 weeks or whatever is standard in your industry (or what you agreed to in your employment contract). However, do not be afraid to burn a bridge by leaving immediately, but do not be dumb about it either. If your new job is a huge pay bump in a different industry, think about lighting that match. A couple

TBH, I was disappointed none of the sources were something like or one of those URLs designed to look like a known reliable source. My version did use a “satire” site that sounded like a real newspaper, at least.

Prime Day is not a sale. It’s fucking marketing.

Prime Day is not a sale. It’s fucking marketing.

Oh I know what it is. Almost all of it points to Amazon. Kind of makes one think as to how much they are good deals or just how much the site makes.

Actually, whatever Amazon charges customers has no impact on what they pay artists, which is a per song played rate. This is a loss leader promotion to get people hooked on the service.

Actually, whatever Amazon charges customers has no impact on what they pay artists, which is a per song played rate.

All this materialism! We’ve lost sight of the true meaning of Prime Day.

All this materialism! We’ve lost sight of the true meaning of Prime Day.