
First of all, fuck off with your attempt to police language. You don’t like “cussing”? Aw. Well, take your prudish sensibilities and leave the internet. Join the priesthood or something.

You don’t get it. I’m not blaming Trump for the “mess over there”. Nobody is. Literally nobody is blaming Trump for what North Korea is currently doing. LITERALLY NOBODY.

And just what is wrong with spiders? Some of my best friends are spiders.

They did have it fixed. North Korea was the drunk uncle that people didn’t want to hang out with at Thanksgiving. It was a nation that was tolerated because it wasn’t much of a real threat; it was all bluster, and because we had real diplomats, real presidents (from both parties) and real partnerships around the

I’d call that serious.

No, let’s be honest. A real president with a real cabinet and real advisors would know how to handle the situation.

their parents gave them a large sum of money, they came up with a genius business idea that took off, or they have a job that already pays six figures and then just used that money to pay off their debt. I’m not saying the subjects in these profiles don’t work hard

Yup. I think it’s great that younger people are getting involved and being passionate

Federal legalization, at this time, is a bad idea. Legalize it nationally now and large corporations will quickly dominate the market. If states continue to legalize small businesses have time to develop and grow roots.

But do people really get sick this way?

He’d have to call himself Canolaman these days.

I’m okay with every-fucking-thing on this list.

That crossbow - ballista - was ridiculous.

I go to an event every August - in fact, I’ll be there in three weeks - at which 6,000 people show up and cell service is never a problem. You know why?

My problem is the libertarian streak that ten years of living in Nevada permanently hardwired into my politics that reflexively extends a middle finger to people who think the government has a right to regulate everyday human behavior.

I think just because as clean as I try to keep the desktop, there are always a few files working files there (right now, about a column and a half. Usually, it’s about half that). And with the dock there, things look messy: dock icons next to file/folder icons & labels on the desktop. And if you autohide the dock on

Bottom with auto-hide. Because the mouse spends most of its time, on average, in the center-right of the screen and in the 16:9 aspect ratio, it doesn’t have to travel as far to the bottom as it does to the left. And putting it on the right is loony.

So what you’re saying is that this would make a fine brassiere for lighting up a room or for cooking a nice meal over.

True, true. But it didn’t take you to the website, it just showed you the name of the site. That was enough, I think. For me, at least.

In life, I find that source link is all you need 95% of the time. The remaining 5% you might need to read the title, get the gist of the story, go find corroborating sources, and verify. In this game, source link was all I needed to get it correct 100% of the time. It was painfully obvious.