
Honestly, I tried Mint and a couple of things like it, and they didn’t help. Much like diet apps that insist you input every. little. thing. in order to track your calories, trying to track every penny in and out was exhausting.

Seriously? Making a bet that someone who has no problem with poor people and women getting screwed by the repeal of the ACA is most likely well-off, white, and male is common fucking sense.

He admitted that he is.

Now, you share a bit more of the cost.

There is also a massive array of uses that are not objectively addressed by those rules. I own a flashlight. Doesn’t mean I should shine it in people’s faces whenever I walk by, even though there’s really no law against it. I could pull a new example out every time asked if I want to.

bro if it was a terror attack it would have plowed through 22 pedestrians then exploded and killed 400+.

go right ahead but be prepared to be ignored.

Or, you know, it’s just a car accident. Those things have been known to happen from time to time. Even in New York.

Hoooooly shit, that’s dark. Take your star, you magnificent bastard.

She works for me now, and I have expectations from my government... like giving public statements on current events when asked. If one of my employees, when asked about the status of their current projects, sent me a picture of their toddler... I would be upset.

You’re angry at a void. You’re angry about something she’s not doing, about an absence. I might as well get angry that you’re not bowling right now. I have very strong opinions about bowling, dammit, and I think that you should put on your bowling shoes and hit the lanes. If you don’t, I’m going to be angry that

I didn’t say idiocy, I said “unrelated to the job” - and there’s tons of examples of that, if you care to look. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with anyone in any administration occasionally posting something that reveals that hey, these are real human beings inhabiting the place.

No, you can also say Bush, Clinton, the other Bush, Reagan, or any other president.

I’ll give it one episode. If they don’t grab me, I’m out. The original run was great, the fourth season on Netflix was a tremendous slog. I’ll give this new one a chance out of loyalty. And because anything Jessica Walters is in deserves at least one chance.

Shut up & sit down.

Dude, I’m a commie pinko leftie. I voted Obama twice, and voted Hillary with a big smile. Hell, my first election was the first Clinton. My concern isn’t protecting Trump - either of them - it’s the left losing focus. It’s the left looking like damn fools going into hysterics over a picture of a baby on Twitter

From the right’s point of view, yes, he was embroiled in controversy. All the time. Now, yes, of course Trump is different, and even the right generally admits that these days. But that’s not an excuse for our side going into hysterics over every little inconsequential thing. She posted a picture of her kid on

Did Obama ever get investigated by the FBI? Did Obama ever obstruct justice?

Did we get all bent out of shape every time an Obama advisor tweeted something unrelated to his or her job? No, we did not.

You’d rather she actually make some statements about those things? I thought we were supposed to be angry that she was working in the White House. Now we’re supposed to be angry that she’s not?