No, it’s not, and I didn’t. What the hell are you even talking about?
No, it’s not, and I didn’t. What the hell are you even talking about?
Yep. It’s just that in typical internet commenting fashion, my initial reaction post wasn’t fully fleshed-out enough to get the entirety of my argument down. It was argumentative, snarky, and designed to be a hit-and-run. And only when challenged did I start to explain in detail what I was talking about. It all made…
And I agree with you. As I’ve said elsewhere, Dao was wrong. The girls in the leggings were technically wrong (although, come on. They’re children. It was a judgement call, and the airline staff could have turned a blind eye and let them fly.)
I make $102k per year, but still have $1200/month in student loans.
Anyone who tries to control someone by way of controlling their language can fuck right off.
IIRC, she bought the rights to do an American version of AbFab, yeah. Never took off, though.
Right. And I agree with what you said, and when I fly, I also act accordingly. As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m not advocating making a scene on the plane. I’m not suggesting we all rise up and throw off the yoke of the oppressors on the tarmac or some such nonsense.
That’s not rigging the primaries. That’s how the democratic party system works. That’s how it’s set up. It’s been set up like that for a long, long time. It wasn’t changed for her. She didn’t invent super delegates.
And what, pray tell, do you suggest airlines do? Abolish overbooking?
I’m 42, and calling someone a tool has been slang for my generation since the early 90's.
I’m not one to say that a person shouldn’t be hired because of their political beliefs. If Tim Allen is a conservative and a good actor (he’s not, but for the sake of argument), and he’s good for a role, by all means, hire him for the role. Fine. I won’t complain.
She’s one of the most accomplished women in the history of American politics, she won the popular vote and lost thanks to gerrymandering and the arcane fuckery of the electoral college, but sure, let’s just boil it down to “she’s incompetent.” Why not.
We’re talking around the issue, here. You’re talking about in-the-moment, and I’m talking about the larger concept. Fine, we agree, if you’re asked to de-board a plane, get off. Right. No point in getting arrested, making a scene, because right now, the law is not exactly on our side in that moment.
There’s always another choice. Maybe not in the moment - as I’ve said, Dao was in the wrong in that moment. But to not fight the airline, and the system that gives them the ability to treat him, and the rest of us, the way they do, is to lay down and just let a corporation roll over us. That is unacceptable.
Really. Because it sounds to me like you’re shoving yourself into a conversation between three other people and making a fool of yourself.
I’m not defending Dao. Dao was wrong. I’m attacking the system that allows the airline to put Dao in that situation in the first place.
Can’t say I’ve ever burned down a college campus, no.
That is literally, not figuratively, what the OP was suggesting, asshole. And then some other jackass comes along and says “adulting” means you don’t boycott, you just “suck it up”. I take issue with that.
Yes buttercup. That’s exactly how you do it. I know adulting is hard but dealing with situations where you have no control comes with the territory.
Was this article about her position on money in politics, universal health care, or any of the other issues you mentioned? No. It was about tearing her down over a trivial matter, an imagined slight - something the left excels at. The reputation we have for eating our own is well deserved.