It gets worse the closer to Fox Valley you get. The Northern and Western parts of the state are probably closer to half and half.
In 2014 there were stretches that Jean Segura and Scooter Gennett seemed like the hot new double play partners. And this year they also both seem to be playing like Allstars. Too bad for the Brewers there were 3-4 years in between.
My thought was the DH leaves the game and the pitcher takes his spot - like a double switch, but after also now reading the rule you can’t do that either. Fun fact, if the pitcher moves the field after pitching you also lose the DH!
Hey, Just like most for-profit universities!
Alternatively he could just move to DH when a relief pitcher comes in for him. No Decision looming? Now he still has a chance to win the game.
Those pink caps just look like the Red Sox can’t afford new hats for their players and the red got all sunbleached.
Aaron Judge? Now that speaks to regionality. This is only slight hyperbole - No one outside of New York City gives a shit about Aaron Judge.
No the other other other hand you literally are watching minor league sports - the athletes just aren’t getting paid and the pro clubs don’t have to foot the bill.
You mean beanbag toss right? Because your cornhole is where corn comes out after you’ve eaten it...your asshole. If you’re cornholing you are engaging in anal sex.
I’d rather have less home-runs if it came with less strikeouts and walks. More balls in play, more action, AND you help the length of game.
Your doctor needs to keep up on the news.
I’m assuming you’ve used Sevin near the entrances of carpenter bees?
Just for clarity for other skim-readers, he is planting Pansies, a flower, and not penises off his roof
Is it against the rules for a pitcher to wear a smartwatch and the catcher to have an armband with buttons for each pitch? Who needs signs (aside from the ‘integrity of the game’ people)
San Diego was involved so therefore no one cares to remember.