
And last season Byron Buxton had one at 13.5 seconds!

It’s the second most difficult play in the sport!

At least it wasn’t at first base *cough* Nick Punto *cough*

...he didn’t have it.

And those that hate fiji and want to see it consumed by the ocean (quicker than climate change will do)

Live Christmas special next year on NBC/Fox

They couldn’t have poached the useless beat writer for the Twins? They had to get one from the White Sox of all places?

So after retiring Bear Friday are we now doing Octopus Thursday?

And that is today’s Congress, especially on the continually impending government shutdown.

Literally biting off more than he can chew.

Umm....Leinenkugel has nothing to do with Blue Moon considering it was an actual brewery from Chippewa Falls WI long before it was bought as opposed to the marketing gimmickk known as Blue Moon. Also, no matter how it came about Summer Shandy is delightful at a baseball game.

Fun fact! As of the morning of May 6th, 2017 all AL ‘comedy’ Central teams not named Kansas City Royals are in first place at an impressive 15-13 record. Go team!

I have a hard time thinking you’ve actually eaten ‘Wheat Things’ without toppings. It’s like chewing on your cereal box! There isn’t even enough salt to compensate! People have issues with triscuits but at least they have their own texture.

Please, just no. Please no. I mostly have no opinion on him as a player but I really really don’t want to see him on tv anymore in any context and I give no shits about his political views.

Stop trying to make LA fleek (rapists) a thing!

Do you even Polka, man?! Only the places Hessians/Germans/Nordic settled in place of the Iroquois, Ojibwa etc. count as polka country

Welcome to Trump’s America. Soon you’ll see bazooka wielding governor-bandits on every streetcorner.

I think with time other gaffes have replaced it in the popular consciousness. For instance, you still see a fair amount of Leon Lett mentions when people talk about boneheaded plays these days.

It was the start of the half, I can see it. I bet the bench was second guessing themselves.