Butt pirates.
Butt pirates.
The Breeding Ground? Isn’t that what they call Phillip Rivers’ house?
It was an internship in the equipment office, so definitely a more blue collar environment than the front office types you’re thinking of. The guy was a great boss, but he had a very no-nonsense approach to motivation and discipline... which sometimes involved choke holds.
Professionalism in almost any organization starts at the top. Spanos has been and always will be a clown and it’s the reason that besides a very few memorable seasons the Chargers are a middling organization. This is just another instance of the organization being nothing more than a clown car driven by Spanos.
Wait, what? I feel like there's a lot to that story that you need to elaborate on. Who choked you out? And why?
I got choked out in the laundry room when I interned for an NFL team, you may be on to something.
I worked in an NFL front office for a spell (as a total lackey, this is not a humblebrag) and yes. When 90+% of your revenues are guaranteed for the year no matter what you do during said year, it’s not exactly a breeding ground for business excellence.
Bosa No Va
The front offices of sports teams in particular seem to be a breeding ground
Do the Chargers think anyone is buying their side of the story? Do they think they are going to bully him into accepting a bad deal by getting the media to badmouth Bosa? Did they think Bosa was not going to respond and just roll over? Are they really that arrogant and stupid?
I can’t believe the Bosa and the Chargers are at this point, and all over offset language and his terrible facial hair (probably).
That name’s too long. Let’s shorten it a little bit.
And people keep replying to him!!!! People that should know better! It’s great!
I am afraid to see the responses to this series from the new readership.
Rough seas ahead for a while, cap’n.
If this is the kind of comment we’re inheriting from the orphaned Gawker crowd, I’m gonna hate you people.
Well, being able to get over the yips is part of what determines if you’ll make it as a professional athlete or not. Everyone’s gotta deal with the pressure. It’s part of the job description.
Yet some people would read my comment and think it was a real suggestion. So you never know!
Maybe they’re just planning next season’s marketing push: “Get your tickets to see that Hamilton play!”