Haha did you seriously send me to the grays for this HamNo? Sorry for not joining your echo chamber this morning. Grow up.
Haha did you seriously send me to the grays for this HamNo? Sorry for not joining your echo chamber this morning. Grow up.
Is it time to look at some etchings already?
Guys I think Aaron Rodgers and Sam Bradford switched bodies like the movie “Big”.
A debate moderator is not supposed to inject themselves into the conversation. There is a difference between being a debate moderator and being a journalist.
Why does life hate me today?
“Million to one shot doc. Million to one.”
You rang?
So “Matt”...can you describe for us in detail what a strawberry tastes like, and how good it is when paired with a hot cup of joe?
They sure as hell do carry it. Most police departments in Ohio have each officer carry two doses now, increased from one last year.
That velociraptor thing is some bullshit.
Holy crap that is Barry Bonds. Wow. He looks completely different.
The dude grew up in California where they grow strawberries all over. I can’t believe he never, ever tried one growing up. That is harder to believe than the coffee. There are quite a few people I know of who just never tried coffee for whatever reason.
My b. That’s what I get for working and kinjaing at the same time.
St. Louis is named after King Louis IX of France, who was canonized by the Catholic Church 27 years after his death.
So you’re saying Hillary Clinton has a drinking problem?