Deadspin Staph

Just to be that guy, how is this not a more common occurance? Throwing a baseball is easy if you’ve ever spent time doing it (except for one kid freshman year of HS, which was my last year playing bb, who would throw at like a 30 degree angle away from the direction his body was facing, I’m not sure how he made it

Has Fisher checked The Upsidedown yet?

Steeler fan here. For what it’s worth, even in a season in which the Steelers had an epic offense that failed to close the deal thanks to injuries and a horribly timed fumble in the Divisional round AND is wrapping up an offseason in which the local media is making way too many “season up in smoke” dad jokes, it still

he threatened to call the White House and have them all fired — and made bizarre statements about Al Qaeda

Tre Mason: Man, fuck you guys. Not only am I not holding out, I was actually the first person to show up in St. Louis for training camp this year.

“I don’t own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang around everyone I know, all the time. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they just say ‘Mitch,’ and I say ‘What?’ And then I turn my head slightly.” - Mitch Hedberg

Kitchen sink: [falls off, shatters]

All will be revealed in good time but one Deadspin staffer prefers both Andy Capp and The Wizard of Id to Calvin and Hobbes, which is probably the strongest take in site history.

It’s actually the exact same protocol and the NFL is just counting on the players not being able to remember it.

11pm?? What kind of malarkey is that!?? Ill do some googling and see what we can see. Thanks for the tips!

I’m not from the Cleve but I’ll second Deadspin Staph’s suggestion the Great Lakes Brewing Company. If you’re at all a fan of darker beers/porters, the Edmund Fitzgerald is hard to beat

Don’t propose on a holiday or her birthday, as then the ring is a gift and not yours even if she ends it.

The problem is that, as far as the NFL and money-making is concerned, NCAA football IS the minor league of the NFL. And it is free! There is pretty much zero incentive for the owners to change up that system.

*desperately tries to click past a full-page beer ad on mobile*

When in Rome.

Pretty much the same boat. I remember talking to my friends about what we saw on Sportscenter on a given day in high school. 10 years later, I almost actively avoid SC. I also remember enjoying PTI and ATH during high school and either the shows have changed or I have. I have an ESPN login (Thanks, Mom!) so I can

I’m no longer in the coveted 18-34 male demographic, but shit man, ESPN is objectively terrible.

“I was walking by a dry cleaner at 3 a.m., and it said, ‘Sorry, we’re closed.’ You don’t have to be sorry. It’s 3 a.m., and you’re a dry cleaner. It would be ridiculous for me to expect you to be open. I’m not gonna walk by at 10 a.m. and say ‘Hey, I walked by at 3, you guys were closed. Someone owes me an apology.

See also the number of present and former NFL coaches endorsing a certain irritated cheeto.