These are supposed to be shit.
These are supposed to be shit.
Do you guys often ripoff article ideas from VICE?
What can I say; if the classics work, why reinvent them?
In which case a Poke is the only attack I'll ever need.
Is there any work on expansions ala Nightfall, Factions and Eye of the North in the pipeline? If so, will we see new classes, dynamics etc.
I have this theory that're we're getting stupider because we're less likely to destroy ourselves this way.
I would say yes...actually.
'Nuff said.
Cue the #corrections - 'Tenn Wolf' should be Teen Wolf unless this is about some road-travelling country singer who fights vampires in his spare time.
Well I assumed a comment on THIS article referred to THIS article and not every issue related to it in the world.
To be fair he did say REDISCOVER. So the recommendations are probably for people who have already DISCOVERED the game, i.e finished or played it.
I love how allegedly takes all the responsibility away from the article author. You could pretty much say that it was alleged that the Chinese media also caught the first unicorn and you're fully covered.
You realise, of course, that the kid is the young Clark Kent? So that makes perfect sense.
Oh for the love of...stop being so dramatic.
Look, I wasn't expecting much from a fan film what with shoestring budgets and all that. This however was particularly terrible.
Why, I for one have nothing to hide. I understand people might take advantage of the data I give up, but why should I care unless it directly damages or interferes with my life.
What if, totally unlikely, the satellite eventually hits another solar system just as life is forming, hits that planet with the plutonium on board and causes a nuclear explosion that wipes out alien dinosaurs on that planet and the eventual sentient life on that planet spends 1,000s of years fighting over whether…
The combination of those two, I agree, would not only defeat the philosophy of both films but also just be pointless. However I am amazed how similar both Blade Runner and the Alien mythos are in terms of theme.