Splitting hairs here, the concept is the point. I like it.
Splitting hairs here, the concept is the point. I like it.
That's actually a pretty dreadful position to be in. Do you just like hang out for six months in panic hoping the earth returns? Can you even survive that long in a space station (unprepared; I know that people go up to Hubble for months)? Do you just hang out and wait for the earth's gravity to take you again or…
Get your money back; it's Clyfford Still not Clifford Still or Clifford Styl. #corrections
I totally get that and I don't actively seek out spoilers myself (I hate them), but sometimes people tend to overreact to spoilers and totally freak out in a roid rage.
The part where you say "Read that sentence again. Now a third time." Just struck me as cocky and arrogant, but hey I could be wrong. :P
A good critic will relate the film to examples that give nothing away about the film, book or game specifically but provide insight into what you can expect without spelling it out for you.
Hey, did you read this part of the paragraph you are so arrogantly (ironic ain't it) replying to?
I'm just guessing, but judging from the geographical make-up of the background, I'm going to take a wild stab and say that's Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa.
I voted Spiderman; I mean it should be solid with it's cast but with a villain looking as bad as the Lizard (not to mention the fact he isn't exactly widely regarded as the a biggie) I think it might bomb and that would be a surprise.
Is that Ricky Gervais!? Probably not but the resemblance is worth noting.
Tesrax energy? Are the new villains called the Tesrax? There is a Terrax in the Marvel universe and it's alien in nature although a single character. Some guy who follows Galactus around.
I think it's just a difference in the lighting effects. I'll reserve my judgements until I see this film because I'm desperate for it to be as awesome as Brick.
Now I want to see a Breaking Bad Men Dead Walking Mad.
Tbh, my simile was more casual for the masses than an in-depth essay on their differences.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The Prestige is there is both a Wolverine and two Batmen i.e 1 Hugh Jackman and 2 Christian Bales ala the great reveal.
So I know it goes against the lore of the name and maybe it is confirmed his name is John Blake buuuuut wouldn't Joseph Gordon Levitt make a decent realistic Robin? He is quite young, then there's also the lack of police support so he might step up to the plate for Batman in a big way.