When you create a new Galaxy, is it completely new only inhabited by you?
When you create a new Galaxy, is it completely new only inhabited by you?
Current events?
I don’t take stock in Steam review percentiles for games that received a helping hand from the hype machine - if the internet is known for two things, it’s porn and groupthink/hiveminds.
This is a brave perspective for our times. Truly Pulitzer Prize stuff.
We all know we only have to wait for the SUPER ULTRA EX OMFGROFLSTOMP Edition due out in like, 6 months.
Whoever said Steven Avery is innocent because “he never hurt a fly” is an idiot.
Dogmeat is a trap! :D I love his adorable face, but he doesn’t give me any perks. :|
“It’s curious that Koei Tecmo would include that line at all, honestly—it’ll only incite further debate without resolution.”
This IS awesome, but I find it somewhat ironic too.
Except you would know for SURE who it was, which would’ve done nothing for the storyline. Had they come out and said, we’re doing the Red Hood arc - you think you’d be okay with that but the story would’ve been weak (hell, maybe it is anyway).
Wasn’t this exactly what people said when they played the Harley Quinn DLC:
“I hope the Batgirl DLC is better.”
Yeah, I’m sure that the film industry didn’t automatically, magically start this trend.
How did Black Flag make it to PS4/XBone while Rogue didn’t. I would play this over Unity (by appearances alone) in a heartbeat.
By that logic, The Matrix Revolutions happened, and I need to go drink something to forget again... thanks.
I’m not a fanboy so much as I am anti-bullshit. If Sony didn’t deliver, so be it - but if you read the article, you’d have noticed they failed to deliver on maybe 2 promises.
If you kept up with English class a bit more, maybe we could understand the bs coming out of your mouth. Thankfully you didn’t which provided a dull rubber to the table edge that is your flawed logic.
Wow. I’m speechless as to how much bullshit you’ve just uttered. It’s like you’ve gone to 11 on the BS dial.
but there’s also something to be said for double and triple-checking before firing off accusations that could have entire communities banging down someone’s virtual door.
It says everything about you... but not for the reasons you think.
It’s actually interesting... you’re right, criticism shouldn’t be censorship. However, we live in an age where very real things happen to people and things because of criticism. You damn something enough and there are people that will harness the power of social media to “boost” your criticism to dangerous levels.