I don't understand why people are blaming tesla. Autopilot didn't kill him, his inability to look where he was going did.
I don't understand why people are blaming tesla. Autopilot didn't kill him, his inability to look where he was going did.
Surprised in an article mostly talking about Keemstar there was no mention of that time he completely got it wrong about a 60+ year old Runescape Twitch player and made him cry on camera when people came in to harass him. Spoilers: it wasn’t him and the guy he thought he was is still in jail.
Can we just act like DS2 never happened and instead call this dark souls 2?
That’s...not an Easter Egg. That’s called “reusing a model in a blurry background shot to save an hour that would otherwise be wasted on something nobody would notice or care about.”
my guess is you play pre war parents, and then end up as post war child.
Did you read the same thing I did? The only ones that were completely wrong were in regards to release dates (UC 3 being the big one) and in regards to the number of F2P games coming. I was impressed hat almost every single one was right actually....
So refunds were almost impossible before, and now they are possible. No shit the “statistics” are going show an uptick when you compare now to then. Buyers can now do a thing they couldn't, the statistics show them doing that thing
If you want to release a full game on your own framework or a licensed engine, okay. If you’re making content for a game, that’s “fan content.” That needs to be free.
Otherwise you’re just an indie developer, and that’s different than a modder. The people that want paid for their work need to make their own games, not…
Example #1
Fellow Saffer here, yeah its pretty simple, just make your delivery address a US one, that's it dude. I buy digital games from Amazon all the time.
I fundamentally feel you've gotten this backwards. If you go back that far in time, then multi-platform releases in general were a dead area. What you're charting here isn't another increase in PC gaming (which has had people doom saying about it for as long as I can recall there being PC gaming), but the movement…