Dead Pedal Jones

Try living in Green Bay Wisconsin and not being a Packer or a Football fan. I hated it and eventually left.

dont forget the hub spinners to keep the RR in the upright position.

yeahhhh riiiiiight.

AKA the end of a Cars-n-Coffee event.

NP if it had a tailgate.

Battery hold down will continue to work well as long as the car is at rest.

Well stated.


These are head turners, speaking of turning, you’d better have a revolving line-o-credit at your fave repair shop.

if you missed your turn, don’t back up and don’t try to cross 3 lanes of traffic all at once.

My shade of envy green is similar to your old carb parts.

Uggggh, wrong way wheels!! burn it burn it!

The Westy cars had some build quality issues but this one gets some points for surviving.

Here is the chemical formula for it;

Nice looking coupe that appears to be taken care of decently with OK performance and a manual.

Maybe the state’s long history of corrupt government officials came into play too?????

if you like these cars this is probably as good as they get for not a bad price.

with that hood and front end it should be called the Weinstein.

that little 6 speed H pattern decal is a nice touch.

i bet you can find 3 quarters 2 dimes and a nickel under the seat and there you go... a free car!!