Dead Pedal Jones

i’m reaching.. but I can’t quite feel for ‘em

perfect for cruis’n down to the Sun City Shuffleboard tourney.

it’s actually a NP but I have passed on many of these due to AWD problems ($$$) and the dreaded “Volvo brittle plastic syndrome” that will have you constantly ordering clips and bits.

Funny if they were producing 2500/week

AMC Design Staff: “yep, that’s the meal ticket right there, well done team”.

That’s an automatic Passing grade here in the good ole state of GA.

a Rio De Janeiro license plate screwed to the inside fender??????

that pic of the engine bay with the thumb in it adds a funny perspective.

yes, the resistance will be high on this one.

a 620VDC fire just waiting to erupt in your garage.

SAAB; side view


i always though it was caviar kisses.

Gated shifter, flying buttresses, side strakes, Cavalino Rampante,$22K

is good.

that would be the Autozone guy around here.

something resembling the shape of a kidney i suppose.

O’reilly’s Parts Guy;

ahhh brings back memories, some good some not as good. Timeless styling. I had a ‘79 (blue/silver/red) for 16 years. I grew not to love the big twin experience and the side to side torquing. Ended up riding my CB400F more often except for longer rides.

IMO old bikes should be as original as possible otherwise it’s just an non-modern bike.