
This is just the kind of PC butthurt that is just plain ruining everything now. People like you trying to tell other people what words they can and can’t use and in what way they can and can’t use them so as to not offend anybody. Even though usually the only one offended is you. I really...really hate you and all

“of butlering his away around an abandoned hanger” Do the people who write articles for these websites do it on cell phones or what? Countless times I have seen examples of words that seem to have been placed there by auto correct. Like the above example should read “butlering his way” but the writer misspelled way

They talk in the trailer about opening a lot of other dimensions and whatnot. A large portion of powers and magic in the Marvel Comics U are explained as manipulating energies from various other dimensions and not just straight up magic a lot of times. Maybe that’s where they are going to go. The idea of characters

Kylo is less evil than Anikan? Did you miss the part where Anakin slaughtered a room full of toddlers asking for help? Lol. Kylo hasn’t done anything that approaches that in evilness yet. Anakin was an annoying brat but he did eventually come across as an evil guy. I never felt that Kylo Ren was all that intimidating

Yep. Just rewatched it. He says champ.

The fact that he specifically says “taking it like a man” kinda makes me think its one of the women. I doubt they would give such a clear cut clue to the victim that they obviously want to keep super secret until season 7. But who knows.

Sounded like most of the Kotaku bitching was coming from Professor Broman who is also a giant douchebag. Sounded like Goth was defending them a bit saying stuff they leaked has been true in the past. Broman really is a bag of dicks.

Rob here has planted his articles squarely in the “Click Bait” category folks. Do not take this man seriously. After reading his final review of the mid season opener, it has become painfully obvious that he has a clear agenda to write articles with the sole purpose of baiting fans of the show in to argue with him and

(Rick has literally already forgotten about the Andersons)

Its not that they are offered movie making opportunities and they refuse lol. They tried to get on the movie train too. The biggest title they have, Spawn, couldn’t make it past one effort and is still the only real marketable property they have. I’m sure they would love to be on the billion dollar movie train too.

The smart system is for legacy engrams only. It doesnt apply to any of the new stuff. Its so you can fill out your year one exotics.

A guy asked me if I could fix his grandmothers record player once....yep.....a record player.

Actually his story is similar to mine so I can relate. He was hired as an assistant. I was hired as a maintenance helper. Being new, you try to impress to maybe work your way up so you flash some computer/IT skills just to help out. Instead of giving you more money to move up into the IT position they keep you in your

As an IT guy myself I can attest to this. If I tell the office people not to use something because I need to take it down for maintenance guess what, they are going to be hammering that shit hard to see if its back up lol. I know this of course and telling them not to use it is really just me letting them know it isnt

I had one of these for a long time. It was Navision, which was purchased by Microsoft back in 2005 I believe and turned into Microsoft NAV. My company didn’t want to spend the money to upgrade, like every other piece of software/OS they had, so I had to just call “Carol” for support on the software. After 8 years of

I started my current IT job from the maintenance department when one night I had some free time so I fiddled around with the deteriorating security camera system they have. With zero experience or knowledge of the entire field of surveillance cameras I managed to get some of them in general working order and I felt

You clearly know very little about guns. His finger is nowhere near the trigger lol. His trigger finger is all the way up and underneath the shell ejection. The trigger is back where his wrist is. And how is he supposed to hold the gun while sitting on the tailgate of a truck that is safer than across his lap and

I would assume it ends after Halloween. Most likely for this one week only. Maybe until the next reset Tuesday at the most.

I got a 310 raid sniper with firefly last night too. YEEEYAAAA!!!!!

Why can you people not understand what this is all about? She got people killed for gods sake. Her total ineptitude and lack of caring about her duties got real actual human beings tortured and murdered. The senators are doing their job which is to find out what happened and why. Do you liberal morons even care that