
I thought Alissa Walker was the worst editor over at Gawker for her endlessly annoying utopian autonomous car puff pieces, but I now pass that honor to you and whatever the fuck you call this sensationalist bullshit. Can’t wait for “the big one” to bring Darwinism back to the west coast and finally put an end to you

Funny how she mentions the laws of physics while wearing an outfit that doesn’t look possible.

I think Destiny actively tries to punish me for holding down a job.

bro, get more dps on the girlfriend before she hits enrage timer

I understand you wanting to get a “scoop” here, but just the way you were talking and carrying yourself was pretty dickish.

Wow! I can’t believe how unprofessional you were. It’s you who comes across as a dipshit in this exchange.

Yes cause calling a guy a dipshit etc in a recent article will absolutly result in him giving you his undivided attention and all the answers you need in the near future on a big story..What do you mean you didn’t get what you wanted?

I wonder what it feels like to write for a site like Deadspin. There’s a definite voice to all of the Gawker Media sites, and it’s not exactly a civil one. Snark gets the hits, so the general tone isn’t particularly highbrow. But then, when sites like Deadspin make the occasional foray into “actual journalism”, that

kind of amazing that a “writer” who can’t figure out a way to get into an area where he can actually take a phone call can call someone else a dipshit and incompetent.

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

Yeah, and all those amendments that ensure the right to due process, freedom of association, and freedom of speech were also authored by people okay with slavery. Better ban those as well, since they also don’t translate to 2015 America.

That argument always makes me cringe. Who would enforce the ban? And once in place, who would actually abide by the new law? I bet people who pose no danger and are law abiding citizens would turn in their guns, but would gang members, drug dealers, criminals, mentally disturbed and anti-authoritarian individuals be