
I think that if the game wasn’t a total turdfest they may not have been fired......just a crazy theory though.

I saw Colin Farrell kill an old lady on an airplane with a peanut once. We should ban peanuts.

Of course it will! There wasn’t a single murder in all of history until the gun was invented. Remember?

Freedom of speech essentially has been removed. If anybody says anything contrary to the opinions left leaning liberals or gays or minorities they are hounded and protested and burned to the ground. Even if its something as simple as “I don’t agree with your policies.” Freedom of speech is dead in America if you

The guns you are talking about people carrying ARE NOT assault rifles. Just because a hunting rifle may look like an assault rifle you probably used playing Call of Duty doesnt make it an actual assault rifle. This goes back to the lefty liberal argument where they just want to ban “scary looking” guns. They reduced