Try that in a big town!
Try that in a big town!
And we all know Beetlejuice is a gateway to witchcraft and Satan!
I kind of wish they’d told the actor playing Beetlejuice because I’d think they’d have a field day with that during the performance. It’d make Pence being booed at Hamilton look like only the third worst thing to happen to a politician at a play.
He respects his Me-Maw’s privacy.
Not surprised she doesn’t know how to comport herself at a theatre as this was probably her first brush with “culture”.
I am CRYING with laughter - what a fucking loser she is.
Conan paid his entire staff out of his own pocket during the 2007-08 strike. Drew is confiscating pro-WGA pins in her audience.
The bench seat does look aftermarket (Sears?) since pickup trucks and vans didn’t come with headrests until the late eighties and nineties. Think of the whiplash when your head hit the cab window. Ouch! Unless the seat was reupholstered with beefed up foam and added headrests.
Not a “real” truck. Seems to never have done truck things, always been a toy. I don’t get it. I’d want all original or reproduction for that price. ND
Yes, some folks get wistful about old trucks, and maybe some pickups escaped the malaise, shit bucket era somewhat unscathed. Dodge is not one of them. NFD.
Hahahaha, yep, got me! Take care now.
Too many deviations from stock to be worth the asking price (I see it’s too low, the exhaust is all sorts of screwed up, the radio, the steering wheel. Is that seat factory?) even if the mileage is to be believed. ND.
Sorry we hurt your feelings Mr. Snowflake. That joke existing far before people like you started labeling everything that offends you as “woke”.
Or there’s a third option: religion and purity culture fucked him up so bad he’s terrified of sex and women. It wouldn’t be the first time, and we’ve all seen seen what happens when men like that DO marry: Josh Duggar.
Perhaps Rosie Palm(er)?
Somebody should get Manti Te’o’s take on this.
Similarly, Lindsey Graham is 68 and has never been married....
“I’d be more worried about him having a bunch of illegitimate kids than having no kids.”
“You can’t say I’m Black, because that would be terrible” Can confirm: Black people don’t deserve to be blamed for that guy