Dead Elvis, Inc.

Feeling like the world I recognized will no longer exist and I did the same with trying to ignore the news after November 5th, but that only lasted a month and with all this turmoil in just one day, you know media outlets will be foaming at the mouth to cover the chaos. It makes it unavoidable to a point. It used to

I saw someone muse that it would be hilarious to see Trump get the SCOTUS logic their way into allowing more than a second term only for Obama to come out of retirement and curb stomp his ass.

I was thinking about this last night and wondered if those magat dipshits had any idea of the unintended consequences of overturning the 22nd Amendment. Their pyrite god can now run for a third term, of course the Democratic candidate is now Barack Obama. Since he is actually a decent human being, he’d probably give

They say we need to drill more now.

Why? Domestic terrorist are almost always MAGA/GOP. 2A is MAGA. Jan 6. I mean, come on! 

LOL no they won’t!
Stellantis proved this, just until a few weeks ago.
It took a major crisis and CEO ouster for them to finally lower their prices on their inventory glut, just a little bit. 

Maybe you should think more.

Scum like this seem to last a long time for whatever reason. 

gonna go with nothing will.

Then we should encourage him to eat more cheesburgers.

And the worst part of it is that of course a lot of big companies are now lining up to trump just so they can save their asses.  Pick your poison. They are all in. No matter what we buy.

you’re apparently a moron

If I can take one good thing from this election cycle, it’s that it really made me look at my consumerism habits and go “dude, wtf are you doing?”

Fuck tRump and his idiot deplorables.

No thats a trump policy.

Being a leftist doesn’t mean being a mindless bleeding-heart. There’s plenty of people out there who don’t deserve a shred of compassion or sympathy, and whose confused cries of betrayal in the coming months will be the only bitter solace to those of us who know how the world works. I don’t think that necessarily

Same. Since November I’ve done everything I can to avoid watching the news as well as being more selective about what I read, simply for my own mental health.

We really should take a look at how much shit we buy though. Like fuck Trump and everything he stands for, but also, maybe we need to temper our consumerism just a tad.

Glad you can absorb further increases in costs.  Not all of us can.  A decent amount of us non-supporters are going to be collateral damage.

Buckle up, my friends. Let the fuckery commence. Shit.