...but the lyrics are so evocative!
...but the lyrics are so evocative!
This is the perfect response. Sadly, very few people will get the reference.
Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog
Normally I would be against this but:
1. Walmart is still the bigger beast in this fight.
2. Kroger is a union store and while my experience with the local chapter of the union was not great it does offer a lot of protections that stopped working there from being a total nightmare.
The reason for going below minimum tire pressure is because there’s more flex in the tire. Thus, heat is built up quicker than a stiffer tire. You see this trick more often in a race series that doesn’t allow tire warmers. As for nitrogen, there is no temp related pressure rise because nitrogen is far dryer than…
Cook’s Country had an article on pepperoni rolls a while back, referencing the original versions using split pepperoni sticks, not sliced pepperoni. You can find the recipe with a Google search, or a PDF at https://www.tosasallcityread.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/West-Virginia-Pepperoni-Rolls.pdf
Not very interesting unless you are the guy at his concert who once saw someone drowning and didn’t do anything to help...
Especially if it is a BMW leaving cars and coffee.
If we’re talking “cool” as in relaxed and chill, then I would have nominated “The Golden Age” by Beck from his Sea Change album. Especially if you are lazily driving cross country through the southwest. It just gives that feel.
I nominated it and I don’t disagree. I think subconsciously its the Miami Vice tie-in that cemented it for me. I think Mama is a much better song that ITAT.
Present evidence of extraterrestrial anal probes or no-go. And don’t tell me your Trunk Monkey bashed them to slivers.
Thank you for doing your part in making sure history never forgets that douche in the BMW
Two powerful people having a laugh at an underling’s expense is never awkward for the powerful and the underling hasn’t earned the right to have thoughts and feelings of their own, so no harm done.
I’m sure these folks had a lot of hardships in their lives but it’s really important that we all know that alien abductions aren’t real, UFOs aren’t from space, and repressed memories are mental health fiction made up to sell books at the apex of the satanic panic. Is there maybe a headline that can highlight the…
No one helped the first credible victims of alien abduction because there are no credible victims of alien abduction.
Yeah, the chose perhaps the worst way to frame this, especially considering that the story that the the book that the article that this story is about is itself is very interesting, more so when you understand that the “alien abduction” part is not factually true.
Funny how these things seemed to stop when everyone got a camera in their pocket.
Remember the Ideal Gas Law from Deflategate? It’s kind of that.
eyewitness testimony without any real evidence that can be scientifically tested is just a story about something that for now doesn’t have any explanation. And because we don’t have any explanation, an “I don’t know” should be the default position here and not trying to plug this gap with something completely not…