Blogger, not journalist.
Blogger, not journalist.
Were all C70's convertibles?
That’s disappointing.
Not nearly enough, since this asshole still intends to keep riding.
choccie milk for adults
most surprisingthing
You’ll most likely regret it, both during & afterwards.
Use of “they” as a singular pronoun isn’t remotely new, you ignorant fuck.
I would ask what’s the difference between lemonade and the charged version.
Muskites have no sense of humor about their cult leader.
Go fuck yourself.
Then the bags are in a strange place. Too high to prevent dents from most car doors. Again, looks like a troll thing.
How much do you guys get from Disney for these posts?
The part where he’s stupid.
That particular commenter is known for some interesting takes.
uglier, grade school children could have done a far nicer design
At first (& second) glance I figured it was a rendering, if not a still from a game.
Sonata > Miata. Come @ me, internet.