Dead Elvis, Inc.

That seems to be J/O Media’s entire philosophy.

A grinder, for example, refers to a sandwich served hot.

Brent’s an asshole.

Why is the Takeout so in the tank for these fucking “Christians”? Fuck Chick-fil-A & the Cathy family.

Nuts in baked goods are absolutely awful. They fuck up the texture completely. 

Weezer sucks. 

republican moron

That’s yet another strike against the place, because it’s doing a shit job.

That roof appears to be a Westfalia top (even ignoring the peeling Westy decals), as it doesn’t have the profile of a Sportsmobile or Riviera top. Thus, my speculation that this is a repaint, at least below the beltline.

Wipe it out or wash it, let it dry, then toss a little coarse salt in there & go to town. 

I wonder if the camper was originally all white. Would the interior paint in the front end have matched the exterior in a two-tone Type 2?

Happier? That presumes we give a shit in the first place.

Too many people would bitch about the noise, let alone the morons concerned about gub’mint surveillance.

You have a thing like this, you FIND stuff to do with it.

Don’t forget this great subhed:

DEEP in the no-go zone. And “crazy” isn’t doing all the heavy lifting here.

Man, that’d be a fun, awkward conversation to snoop on. “No, YOUR German is wrong!’

Close, but not as simian.

You’ve seen Germans outside of soccer matches and beer festivals? Impressive!