Dead Elvis, Inc.

To be expected from that dude, based on previous comments.

All the best local joints do.

Fuck every establishment that doesn’t take cash, for a whole host of reasons. No, I can’t be arsed to put a single donut on a card of any sort, you dumb fucks (Top Pot Donuts in Seattle, you didn’t strike me as assholes). I’d rather not bother with anything under $10 on a card, frankly.

Make it a cheap, dry(ish) bubbly something-or-other. Cheap cava or prosecco > cheap Cali “champagne”. (Goes incredibly well with heavily buttered & salted popcorn [or other salty snacks], too!)

That sounds like a terrible euphemism for dildos & butt chugging

They could do worse.

This is Mars.

Someone in Oscar Meyer’s c-suite is a sounding enthusiast.

Everything by this “author” is ridiculous garbage.

That doesn’t address anything I said.

I find merits in both the Black Lives Matter movement and the Blue Lives Matter movement.

I’m not really an early morning guy. How about épées after lunch?

Congratulations on having the stupidest possible interpretation of this post. Yep, it’s clearly advocating that atypical kids can go fuck themselves.

Their food isn’t good anymore.

That’s a rotten egg. 

Peace Vans - for when you need to turn your $12.5k Vanagon into a $35k Vanagon!

Large grocery stores often have dry ice available in very reasonable quantities, 8-10 lbs blocks. Any fish monger that ships will likely have it as well. Leather work gloves are more than enough protection to handle it safely. 

I hope you die painfully & slowly.