Dead Elvis, Inc.

Never forget - #jimspanfellerisaherb

My favorite is the defunct Hartford Whalers.

Do it!


I’ve always known the Rachel as a smoked turkey variation.

Nah, he absolutely understands what it means. This is just willful misrepresentation - you know, typical GQP shit - in order to whip up his idiot base to fund his own grifty ends.

I’ve lingered/kept drinking long enough after a boozy, late breakfast to leave the establishment after sundown. Even if I could remember vomiting, it would have been too dark to see.

A complete waste of ingredients” it is!

Between the completely off-putting photos & testimony from other Colorado residents claiming this is sub-par pizza, no thanks.

Truly, a waste of perfectly good water.

Are there many monkeys in Scotland?

It is right, you condescending twat

I fail to see a problem here.

He’s just an asshole. 

Maybe you just need to smoke a ton of Colorado weed first in order to appreciate it.

I’ll sign the hell out of that petition!

For better or for worse, Utz ships.

I’d encourage that assclown to up his ‘shine consumption. Maybe he’ll acquire a brief taste for methanol.

You’re obviously a complete fucking moron, and probably an asshole - maybe even an employee of Sinister Mfg, too. 

Rocky must have knocked back a few of those raw eggs with a Yuengling or two, right?