Dead Elvis, Inc.

Supply > demand

Too bad about those wheels. 

I fucking *love* those beaded seat covers.


again, Vermont, what are you trying to prove?

I think you’re wildly overestimating the influence any content here has!

Look at Mr. Big Spender over here!

Up to 49cc = not a motorcycle (and thus, no endorsement needed, just a regular driver’s license). At 50cc of displacement, it magically - or at least legally - becomes a motorcycle.

What, you don’t enjoy sanctimony & condescension?

“tomatoes”, certainly 

I’ve found my steaks improve more when rested to Pylon.

The Motel in God’s Eye

Weird, I would have never guessed that Niven dabbled in barbecue cookbookery!

Are you really expecting better from them at this point?

I love this comment so much!

 Two cops in Detroit covered up their roll in a fatal crash

Potato Oles can be pretty good, but in my (limited) experience, there’s some wild variation in quality between locations. Don’t go out of your way for them.

Don’t kink shame!

Nope, it’s much simpler:

the bike can be ridden without the rider experiencing hardly any up and down movements at all