It’s tough being an aging white guy these days
It’s tough being an aging white guy these days
I missed that particular element, but RJ’s comment doesn’t appear to have been starred/saved by the author.
What gives you hope they might start now?
Racists often do!
It may just be approved commenters starring the grey garbage. The scumbags seem to enjoy supporting each other. All of these sites have long-approved accounts that have proven to be trolls.
It’s a good start!
Yep. This post is gross in a few ways.
No one gives a shit under Spanfeller’s reign. There’s no apparent editing, let alone comment monitoring - look at the hateful garbage all over the Root & Jezebel. Most writers across this sad collection of sites no longer engage with the comments, for good reason.
Kidney beans are straight up garbage. Little pink chili beans ftw!
We really do need a couple border walls - one across the top of Florida, and another barring Texass from the US.
You two are my favorite kind of people to drink near.
I’ll stick with Eel Pie Island, tyvm.
Fuck the “loud pipes” crowd.
Trying? He’s always a fucking asshole.
Or the idiots would destroy the bikes out of spite, even the paid-off ones.
While I’m loath to encourage any coverage of the Jesus chicken hucksters, I do like how these columns bring the so-called Christians out into the open.
I think anyone of a certain age who grew up in the northeast, especially in places with a decent Italian-American population, disdains Arby’s notion of roast beef (and looks down on mass-produced sandwiches/grinders/subs in general).
I delivered for LC, briefly, once upon a time. There’s no realistic situation in which I could be persuaded to eat it again.
Ugh, what a set of garbage!
Post the link!