Dead Elvis, Inc.

I can’t tell if you just smoked a wagon load of crack, or if you’ve had recent head trauma.


Joining Swedishbricks will be mandatory for anyone taking a chance on this. I’d ignore most of the clowns on Turbobricks.

$5K is at least $2500 more than I’d gamble on this. These transmissions aren’t known for their robustness with stock power, so I’d expect this one to shit itself out soon.

I’m glad to see such a glaring mistake being addressed by a couple commenters, but I expect this will be neither corrected nor acknowledged in any way.

I’m not sure why anyone expects Ben & Jerry’s to comport itself as it once did - it’s been owned by Unilever for the last 23 years. Even as a supposedly “independent” subsidiary they’re still just a cog in the crapitalist machine, and as such, profit is THE reason to exist.

Don’t waste your time with that one.

He’s nothing if not consistent that way!

As if they don’t already!

No farting in the gimp suit! C’mon, that’s fundamental. 

These assholes weren’t hired for their cognitive prowess. 

Just wait until dollar battery night!

That sort of approach to content would be more useful & informative than what this particular clown has brought to the Takeout.

Who is it? You know who you are:

That couple aren’t the cult leaders, but mid-tier flunkies. And mixed-meat unions, sandwich or otherwise, are a sacrament in their church.

Just lube

Huh. I figured Tupperware had gone out of business years ago. 

Just the tip!

I think you a word.