Dead Elvis, Inc.

Those were 1 year only, I think?

Brent’s lazy. 

You lucky SOB! Those are stunning. 

Having learned to drive in early ‘80s Vermont, which was absolutely filthy with both FWD & RWD Swedes, I’m naturally fond of pre-GM SAAB.


Right? And I like mayonnaise. If I want to buy it in bulk, I’ll go to Costco.

I’m not sure the reputation of 21st century VW electricals can be tarnished.

one comment was 1,000x more helpful than the article

Or grandmas with dubious pasts!

Regurgitating, more than giving.

“So good, you’ll shit yourself!”

No one in history has ever complained that a fast food burger is “juicy”. Greasy? Absolutely. Dry AF? A million times more likely than “juicy”.

You can, but only with the tailgate window open.

“Irish” as synonym for “boozy”!

He’s just a tedious cunt who suffers delusions about how clever & funny he is.

That’s not entirely fair, and you’re not giving them credit for all the additional reasons they suck. 

I skipped that one, but not just out of a righteous hatred of slideshows.

That wasn’t a slideshow, that had its own glorious post (& V12 Bob’s perfect response).

Now I’m trying to imagine what Jalopnik list might have a vehicle so wretched it resembles that sandwich!

Bungee an old milk crate to that rack, and hang this thing off the back of any but the smallest of RVs. Perfect little local runabout.