Dead Elvis, Inc.

As it should be.

I prefer my Sterno buzz pure, undiluted by mezcal or other adulterants!

I prefer my mezcal to have 0% methanol, if possible. 

The weight of glass over plastics is not so drastic as to cause a huge increase in shipping costs

Considering the very first line of Atlantic City, that seems like a weird oversight on your part.

If this is indicative of her engagement with us down here in the peanut gallery, I’d say you’re correct.

Man, I thought this was going to be about a big ol’ sandwich.

I’m not convinced anyone’s listening at this point, tbh.

That sounds great!

cover my bird slices with my wife’s cranberry sauce


Somebody’s looking to get greyed!

Consider just much extra fuel for transportation is involved if we suddenly reverted to glass for much of what is now packaged in plastic - and that’s to ignore the shortage of sand entirely.

Nothing he spews here is done in good faith. 

Wow, you really know how to spin a compelling yarn.

Sodium chloride doesn’t even melt until nearly 1500 deg F, champ.

I’ll take your word for it, and have zero interest in verifying your claim. 

Not poison, just far more likely to carry things like salmonella & campylobacter than anything else we eat.

Since you (presumably) brought HisRoyalBadness out of the greys, be aware that he’s a kindred spirit to your departed racist doppelganger, even if he’s not being a huge piece of shit here at the moment.

What if he’s not a billionaire, but just a big fuckin’ herb?