Dead Elvis, Inc.

When was the last time adding Jezebel to the mix elevated anything? Sometime well before Spanfeller murdered Deadspin, at least.

Same here.

I’m surprised anyone with an IQ above room temperature views the Daily Mail as a legit source of anything, even speculative garbage like this.

I thought the Rachel was a variation that swapped out corned beef for turkey, in addition to the kraut/slaw replacement.

“Eat it faster” works, too!

It has an unfinished feel to it, for some reason.

It’s always fun when “experts” like you weigh in.

Beer absolutely pairs with food just as well as wine does - maybe even better, and certainly across a wider range of cuisines - and I say that as someone who’s made his living for the last 22 years making wine.

the velvety bouquet of a ‘21 Mad Dog Orange/Banana blend

like you, I don’t care at all about gravy

One year, my family grilled 6 chickens. There were a variety of brines & dry rubs applied, which made for a great change of pace. Wrangling a half-dozen whole chickens was still simpler & quicker cooking than the usual very large bird, and as a bonus, chicken stock beats the hell out of turkey stock.

Mentioning Judge John Hodgman while ignoring bailiff Jesse Thorn(no “e”)’s other extraordinarily long-running comedy podcast seems like a massive oversight. If you’re a fan of utter nonsense, I cannot recommend Jordan, Jesse, GO! highly enough. It’s sublime ridiculousness. 

You’re operating under the mistaken impression that anyone involved in running (I use that word loosely) this clown show actually gives a shit.

They’re fucking delicious as is. Don’t be fooled by appearances.

Now I’m wondering which herb greyed my comment. 

Bill’s a tedious douche, best dismissed.

Claire Lower is it. Wish she was under The Takeout masthead.

Not just now, tho

I find coverage of said youtubers even more tedious than the stunts.

This was wonderful, and it makes me sad that this calibre of writing simply no longer appears with any regularity here.