Dead Elvis, Inc.

fuck winter. Fuck snow. Fuck ice storms. Fuck blizzards. Fuck shoveling and snowblowing. Fuck -10F temps with wind chill on top

If you don’t have any biscuits at hand, then absolutely!

You can’t get hard rolls in Chicago (I guess?), but you can in the Northeast. When we didn’t get kaiser or onion rolls, we got hard rolls, from New Jersey to Vermont.

But you can eat other tomatoes without issue? Weird (humans generally, not you specifically)! And that sucks, because as you said - Camparis are frickin’ delicious.

Any place south of Massachusetts is too fucking hot in summer (and late spring, and most of fall).

Am I allowed to play Captain Ahab there?

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on the afternoon of September 8, 2022

Sounds like an excellent reason to leave!

We’ve been screwed for a long time prior to this particular bit of stupidity. 

Certainly not that Yamaha!

Apparently you haven’t been paying attention for the last few years.

I have tapenade in the fridge. Close enough!

Darthspartan caught it!

That sounds & looks fantastic!

Go watch King of the Hill.

Just fine-tuning for accuracy!

I made it up. ;)

So close.

Not in the crust (not traditionally, but that can be delicious) and it’s not a topping, either - the cheddar goes along side the pie.