Dead Elvis, Inc.

Fuck you & your shitty band, spammer 🖕

I’d be asking for seconds, were I one of your co-workers.

Seems reasonable to me, consider the mutual affinity between pork & apples.


Try this:

They’re great for storing nuts/bolts/screws/small misc hardware, too.

I think you’d have to sit that one out, or there might be accusations of vote fixing!

Take some minor solace in just how few people are even reading this piece, let alone those actually influenced by it.

Neither Price Chopper nor Hannaford are mom ‘n’ pop shops. But living nearly anywhere in Vermont is often like living in a place 5-20 years behind more urban/suburban places in the US.

Many, many things that are commonly found in the rest of the US - all arenas, not just grocery store-related - take a bit longer to reach/be implemented in Vermont.


Most likely, but I’d like to see if they’re willing to admit it. 

So many cheap-ass fools didn’t pay for the real premium tier - Jalopnik Platinum.

Why? What about them, specifically?

A bit of old Jalopnik peeking through:

Since the disgruntled satalac is a dismissive little bitch, I’ll just repeat my suggestion for him:

If you’re unhappy with the content, just ask for a 100% refund of your subscription cost.

Gee, I wonder why?

“modern” country = basic bitch pop-rock, but wearing a cowboy hat & shitkickers (since the heyday of Garth Brooks, if not longer)