Even an inbred squirrel, etc
Even an inbred squirrel, etc
Yes, you’ve repeatedly proven yourself to be a fucking moron. No need to keep confirming that.
Ah yes, the celebrated rapist.
Using milk instead of water will make your box cakes/brownies exponentially better.
We may have worked together in the past!
Wait, that wasn’t the point?!
So, leave them on the side of a road in west Texas?
There are dishes with *limits* to the appropriate amount of garlic? News to me!
The comment history would indicate that it is not, unfortunately, an act.
I’ve been on a cabbage kick lately, and love fish sauce in an absurd range of things, so this sounds like part of dinner tomorrow!
realized we didn’t have dishwasher detergent, put dish detergent in the dishwasher
That approach seems to work about 99% of the time, so why the hell not?
That’s remarkably stupid take.
What about sucking a burrito while making unblinking eye contact?
Vermonters are all too busy Googling “how to fend off rabid leafers” this time of year
He’s a thin-skinned little bitch, apparently!
Popcorn/finely-ground salt, doc.
we have one friend whose food aversions are so extensive that it’s painful to invite him to a restaurant