He was thinking of dog fighting!
He was thinking of dog fighting!
“It’s on Lifehacker” is a perfectly cromulent answer to your question now, too.
I’m unfamilar with GM-era SAAB, but this is pure, uncut Scandihoovianism. Lovely, but fragile, manual transmissions on the earlier ones - 99s even more than 900s. The clutch? Not necessarily. My dad put 275K miles on his ‘85 900S without replacing the clutch, and I doubt that it had been replaced right before he…
SAAB wasn’t known for robust transmissions of any sort in this era, but these 3 speed autos truly sucked every bit of fun out of the car.
Thanks, Paul Harvey!
That very image was posted by the OP who started this thread.
Kill yourself.
Fer chrissakes, even in 1970s white-as-fuck Vermont, Black pop culture wasn’t much of a reach. (Radio was a rather effective medium, once upon a time - we did have electricity after all, and even tee-vees! - up in the woods.)
WSP can get fucked with a syphilitic cactus.
I assume you’re speaking from a Canadian perspective.
“People are just really dumb” is usually correct.
I love beans.
Don’t lane change into their blind-spot.
This court no longer recognizes “better than Budweiser” as a meaningful claim, since that bar is simply too low to be useful.
I don’t imagine G/O J/O Jerkoff Media are in danger of attracting better talent at this point in the death spiral, but the contributions under this byline have been consistently, astoundingly, embarrassingly bad from the start.
But what is the prize?
They always struck me as Matchbox aspirant - second tier, at least in the ‘70s - but that doesn’t mean Hotwheels should be associated with that piece of subhuman garbage.